This, That and Then

Continuing with the writings of Robert H. Hoge’s “Thoughts on This and That”, Madeline established her own blog thus giving it a modern twist. Her focus is on Family Business, History, Strategic Planning, Training/Education, Governance and Legacy.

Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge

Pruning the Family Tree: Taking the Wheel of Your Journey

Pruning a tree involves selectively removing branches or parts of the tree for various purposes, such as improving the tree's health. Sometimes, we need to prune our family tree for the same reason. No, I am not saying you need to cut off a family branch because of interpersonal conflicts that may arise. That is a topic for another time. It might be time to prune even if your tree has flourished for multiple generations. The question to ask yourself is, are you only a passenger on the family’s journey or the driver? Are you letting the rising generation take their wheel?

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Development Madeline S. Hoge Development Madeline S. Hoge

Do You Have a North Star?

On December 21, 2020, the Christmas Star was visible to those who had a clear sky. Those who did not have the opportunity to view the astronomical phenomenon, due to cloudy skies, light pollution, or smog, still experienced the feeling of hope for the future. Even if the sky was not clear, the guiding light in the direction of the future was recognized. This event only happens once every 800 years, but the North Star is used as an anchor in the sky guiding us toward a purposeful destination every night. It is the same with a vision statement, which describes what dreams we want to achieve long term thus giving direction toward realization. The vision should be visible daily through multiple channels, used to engage family members or employees and to see the “Greater Good” the vision creates.

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Development Madeline S. Hoge Development Madeline S. Hoge

Life is a Journey, not a Race

In school we are taught that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Even when running marathons you learn about running tangents, running from one curve in the road to the next using the shortest possible line. Mathematically those are accurate strategies, however, it doesn’t necessarily apply in life. When we design our life plan, we presume we should take the straight path toward our dreams. But in reality, it is the meandering path leading to the destination which will be the most meaningful. Why? Because that journey will be filled with interesting, unfamiliar experiences as well as surprises along the way. Don’t become too focused on the getting there as fast as you can just to check off a completed goal. Instead, take time to recognize the small steps as well as the big ones. Enjoy the missteps and failures. Stop and celebrate moving the flag toward your dreams.

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Governance Madeline S. Hoge Governance Madeline S. Hoge

Finding Your Purpose: Our Story

At 17 years old, you don’t know your life’s purpose much less where you want to go to college or what to study. Growing up in Chicago, I was surrounded by top universities. What prompted me to go to college in small town Minnesota baffles me to this day. I don’t like cold and a small town at that time wasn’t for me. Although it was a good experience and met life long friends, I wanted a city life where there was action.

My parents prompted a change to transfer to Georgia Tech in downtown Atlanta to study engineering. The coordinator for new students gave the age old speech, “look to your left, look to your right, those faces will not be there after a year.” That proved to be a reality for my roommates. With the motto “To be the best,” on our door, I was determined not to be a statistic.

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