This, That and Then

Continuing with the writings of Robert H. Hoge’s “Thoughts on This and That”, Madeline established her own blog thus giving it a modern twist. Her focus is on Family Business, History, Strategic Planning, Training/Education, Governance and Legacy.

Development, Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge Development, Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge

Releasing the Superpower: Turning a perceived challenge into a desirable difficulty

What does Henry Ford, Charles Schwab, Richard Branson, David Murdock, Steve Jobs, Ted Turner, Walt Disney and Nelson Rockefeller have in common? If you guessed they are all entrepreneurs or all millionaires, you would be right. But you might not have realized they are all Dyslexic, the new superpower or as some researchers say, a “desired difficulty”.

After reading various articles on how family businesses can accommodate this disability, I became confused then irritated. Why did the authors think it was a problem that had to be fixed instead of a gift to be nourished? And why did so many successful businesspeople flourish when society believes it is a disability?

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Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge

Clever Family History Conversation Starters

Sharing history of the family or the family business doesn’t have to be dull, divisive or disregarded. It starts with a little preparation to elicit ancestral tales and delightful personal stories. A bit of creative flair can start a conversation leading to a remembrance of life lessons and values to be passed down to future generations. To keep the discussion appealing, start with the presentation. Here are some ideas:

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